Monday, February 2, 2009

Serato 1.9 Beta version came out a few days back and I finally got time to download it and try it out! I usually wait till a full version of anything is released as I’m never a big fan of beta versions, mostly because either I don’t want to be bother to have to download the actual version later or because beta ain’t that stable. However I’ve read that it usually takes 2-3 months after the initial beta release before they release a full version. If you guys know me well and how passionate I am about djing I ain’t going to wait that long. The big feature that stuck out was the sample player, in which there were 6 available sound slots that I could use for effects in my mixes. I gave it a test run, and it works really well. I’ll post some mixes with the new sound effects this coming weekend. I’ve also learned some doubling techniques ain’t that great yet, but once I get decent enough I’ll put those into play in my sets. I said I would post video mixes soon and they will be coming shortly! Kobe scored 61 points today, that was insane! I missed the game completely, I was out, came back check the scores and I did a double take I was like “what did I just read that correctly?!” I’ll keep you guys posted!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I hope you guys enjoyed the Superbowl! Kind of wanted the Cardinals to win but what you going to do. Posted two mixes up, tried to incorporate a bunch of genres in one of my mixes, and some of my friends want me to do a Korean pop mix as well which I did. I was also playing around with some acapellas and instrumentals and there was one that worked really well and I had to put it up so check that out as well. My new mixes and the ones that I had posted previously is under the Mixes section of my website. Till next time.

Hey guys, can’t believe the first month of 2009 is already finished! Posted two new mixes today! Another electronic mix and I decided to try mixing a different genre in dancehall. Big shout out goes to DJ Wristpect for teaching me how to mix Reggae/Dancehall properly. Go to my website to listen to the new mixes. Enjoy!

Friday, January 23, 2009

New Website

Basically, I think it was time to start getting myself out there through the vast free promotional tool called the Internet. I've gotten a friend to help me out with this site for quite some time and now it's finally finished. This is a new year and I truly believe big things will happen for me this year. I'll keep you guys posted of my progress as well as post mixes and videos from time to time.

-DJ Maximus